Verdeterre Contracting, a renowned name in the construction industry, recently undertook a unique and special project – the expansion of the Historic Grosse Pointe War Memorial, a task that was as challenging as it was rewarding. This project, henceforth referred to as the ‘Verde Point’ project, was a testament to Verdeterre’s commitment to preserving history while facilitating progress.

The ‘Verde Point’ project was not just about construction; it was about breathing new life into a historic monument while ensuring its legacy remained intact. The expansion process was comprehensive, involving several stages that required meticulous planning and execution. The first step was site demolition, a necessary measure to make way for the new structure. This was followed by basement excavation and backfill, a task that required precision and expertise, given the historical significance of the site.

The earthwork phase was next, which involved preparing the land for the new construction. This stage was crucial as it laid the foundation for the subsequent steps. The ‘Verde Point’ project also included the removal and installation of new storm sewers, a new sanitary lead, and a water main. These installations were essential to ensure the new structure was equipped with the necessary utilities and infrastructure.

The ‘Verde Point’ project was unique not just because of its historical significance but also because of its location. Being a lakefront property, it presented a few challenges that were not typical of most construction projects. One such challenge was installing the storm sewer below lake level. This required innovative engineering solutions and careful execution to prevent any potential damage to the surrounding environment.

Another challenge was unearthing a 100-year-old seawall that conflicted with the new basement and storm sewer. This discovery was a testament to the site’s rich history and required careful handling to preserve its integrity while ensuring it did not hinder the construction process.

Despite these challenges, Verdeterre Contracting successfully completed the ‘Verde Point’ project, demonstrating their expertise in handling complex construction projects. The new addition to the Grosse Pointe War Memorial stands as a symbol of Verdeterre’s commitment to quality, innovation, and respect for history.

The ‘Verde Point’ project is a shining example of Verdeterre Contracting’s ability to balance progress with preservation. It showcases their dedication to their craft, their ability to overcome challenges, and their respect for the past. As the Grosse Pointe War Memorial continues to stand tall, it carries with it the legacy of those it commemorates and the testament of Verdeterre’s exceptional work.