Project Profiles

Home 2 Hotel and Suites

Home 2 Hotel and Suites

Atto Construction is a longtime client for Verdeterre, but this project presented some logistical challenges; mainly moving equipment and housing field team members. Verdeterre performed all earthwork and utility installation for the new 5-story hotel being...

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Storypoint Senior Living Center

Storypoint Senior Living Center

The project required a significant amount of soil remediation due to perched groundwater and the poor soil characteristics of the existing clay and silt. Lime stabilizing was used to provide a stable base to place the 25,000-ton of imported sand required. This project...

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Belleville High School

Belleville High School

Performed all site demolition, tree removal, earthwork, aggregate base installation, site utility installation and restoration for a new high school. The new school will be constructed at the site of the existing school. Students will continue to attend classes in the...

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Bouma Construction Company

Bouma Construction Company

Verdeterre has performed all site prep and utility installation for new charter schools in Canton, Taylor, Detroit, and at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Verdeterre also provided landscaping, fencing and site concrete work on select schools.

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Monroe Township Ball Field Project

Monroe Township Ball Field Project

Verdeterre was the general contractor on the site and performed over 80% of the work constructing twelve new baseball fields on twenty-five acres. Major subcontractors included Nationwide Fence, Raupp Landscaping and GM and Sons Concrete.

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Northville & Canton Townships

Northville & Canton Townships

Constructed 12,500 lf of new water main via directional drill method. Approximately 7,500 lf of fusible PVC and 5,000 lf of TR Flex Ductile Iron pipe. Verdeterre was the prime contractor on both projects.

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Oakland and Washtenaw Counties, WRC

Oakland and Washtenaw Counties, WRC

Verdeterre has completed several drain rehabilitation projects. These projects have included tree removal, excavation, bypass pumping, gabion installation, rip rap installation, step pool and cross vane construction, choir fiber log placement and full site restoration.

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